All Your HVAC Needs Under One Roof!
From heating, to cooling and commercial work, we do it all.
Looking for the Perfect HVAC Solution?
Speak to our team. We work closely with our customers to help them find the perfect solutions for their needs.
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Our team are highly trained in finding optimal HVAC solutions, no matter the kind of building you own.

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    Our Work
    With over 33 years of serving Arlington, TX and the surrounding areas, Golden Air Conditioning is your trusted professional air conditioning company for air conditioning installation, AC repair, and HVAC maintenance services.
    Served Customers

    Local Reviews

    Our Services
    We offer a wide range of HVAC services; browse through our offerings below and contact us for your HVAC needs.
    Air Conditioning Services
    From sales and installation to repairs and preventative maintenance, we have you covered for all your air conditioning needs.
    Heating Services
    Stay warm and cozy with our comprehensive heating services, including sales, installation, repairs, and preventative maintenance.
    Commercial Preventative Maintenance
    We offer tailored solutions for commercial establishments, ensuring optimal HVAC performance and efficiency.
    Repair Services
    Once in a while, your HVAC unit needs a little TLC. Our expert repair services are here to give your HVAC unit a second chance at life.

      Contact Us Today for a
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      Enter your information below and we’ll get right in touch with you.

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      Contact Us Today

      Whether you need a new HVAC installation or some routine maintenance, our team are standing by and ready to help you.

      Need a Quote First?

      If you’re still in the market or looking for different offers, click the button below to get a quote from us for your HVAC needs.

      Our Reviews
      See what our customers have to say about our work here:
      Trustworthy and professional
      kevin altieri
      Very courteous and quick service
      Paul Steffy
      Always fair, reliable, prompt and dependable!
      Cheryl Jones
      Awesome customer service Thank you ? …
      Ken Hewlett
      Great service. This company always takes great care of us, and the staff is courteous and honest. There is nobody better in DFW!
      A. J. Wendel
      Golden Air is outstanding. Great service, prompt response and not trying to upsell. Just techs who know what the problem is and know how to get it fixed. Great company.
      Will Anderson
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      Golden Air Conditioning, TX

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